Monday, May 13, 2013

How to Successfully Piss Off Your Prospects and Yield No Profits

How to Successfully Piss Off Your Prospects and Yield No Profits  

This post was inspired by the many entrepreneurs that want to use their opportunities as a way to attract followers BUT they are doing it incorrectly.  Instead, they are mass promoting their opportunities in every Facebook group, on every blog, and spamming inboxes. Sound familiar? I understand that you have the best opportunity that the world has to offer, I truly do. Everyone should be doing what you’re doing and the money and the glitz is real! Yes, it is all real!!!! Anyone that doesn't sign up right now is only doing a disservice to themselves……………..
If this is you, I am sorry to burst your bubble. This is not going to attract people to you or your opportunity. Stop struggling with it and let me help you get the types of reactions you want and need.

First, let me take it back to the beginning. You are a human, correct? You have to understand that Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, PinInterest, Flickr, Myspace, Wordpress, NetworkedBlogs, Blogger, and every other site out there was designed to attract humans. We are not robots and so we cannot possibly be attracted to something that does not have real emotion attached to it.

Example of what NOT to do:
1.      Promise income earnings that you KNOW are completely irrational and annoyances.
               I cannot tell you how many people do this every single day over and over again to the point where I have them blocked! You do realize that it is illegal to make such claims and that you can be sued for it, right? It’s not classy and it’s a sign of an amateur. Lose the fake pictures and get yourself on track for an honest business.
2.      Join a Facebook group only to post your opportunity every single day.
Hmm… You have probably done this is and see little to no growth from it. I’ll explain why. People don’t care about your business. They care about themselves. Every successful entrepreneur knows this and if you can’t wrap it into your opportunity, then you’ve already lost them.
3.      Post the entire compensation plan for your opportunity.
Again, no one cares. Not even you really.
Chances are that you cannot explain the damn thing to anyone anyway. If you can, congratulations but that does not sit into the minds of your prospect. They don’t care about the compensation plan. All they care about is getting their dreams and goals accomplished by earning real money in real time.

These are the top three that personally annoy me enough to delete people and ban them from my social groups. If you are interested in learning how to gain real success and earn the respect and attention of your prospects, it would be a good idea to model someone that does it right. If you’re lost as to what you should be doing, check out this page here. It’s actually great content with a purpose and its powerful stuff.

To Your Significance and Success,

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