Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Truth As to Why I Left My MLM Company

The Truth As to Why I Left My MLM Company

No hype. No lies. Just the facts.

I started working as a 5LINX representative back in May of 2012 because my aunt and mother pressured me into it. Next thing I know, my mom stops doing it and there is no momentum left. I am paying autoships and I felt like I was paying 5LINX's rent. Sorry, but that is NOT why I started this thing. Not even close...

Fast-forward to November! I was researching ways to get more people to see the 5LINX opportunity and find some solace in what I was doing because to be honest nothing was working. I was making no money and the system that they were preaching was starting to look like a hoax! So, God aligned it that I was moved into my current opportunity.

Get this! The person that referred me to my current opportunity was a former 5LINX as well! Ordained from the heavens. So, I gained new momentum and interest to start building my business and now a new obstacle presented itself. My job cuts my hours due to a slew of nepotism and favoritism within the broken company. I was now ready to take on a business that I could stand behind only to have the financial support snatched from me.

This is the point where I needed to take a moment to re-energize for my sanity.

So, I kept working the dead-beat job until eventually they fired me. To be honest, that was the push that I needed to make this thing count. The day they let me go I was able to take the time I needed for my business and start solidifying my success. Money was tight and it is STILL not the way I would hope for it to be but it is all working itself out. I am not going to play myself or be a liar.

It is because of my less fortunate situation that has pushed me to find FREE and super inexpensive VALID resources for people just like me. People that want to break free from poverty and make this thing work with limited resources! I am always learning and growing so that I can break out of the poverty and into the life that I have always wanted.

Poverty is not always being dead-broke. Sometimes it is being enslaved to a job that you don't want or living in a broken mindset that is not true to what you desire for yourself. I am fighting for my life and if you can relate to this, I want you to know that I will stand and fight with you, too.

To Your Significance and Success,

Amanda Danielle

P.S. If you are looking for a way to start fighting a fair fight join me by applying to work with me today.

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