Friday, August 2, 2013

Hmm... I Think I'll Do Empower Network

Hmm... I Think I'll Do Empower Network

For those of you that know me, you know that this usually wouldn't happen but..

Empower Network- that affiliate marketing company that is not liked by Facebook. (I'm totally serious.) There are hundreds of thousands of affiliate marketers with the company that poorly represent the company.

But what's new??? Let's be honest with ourselves. If you are familiar with the industry you know that everything is called a scam or a pyramid scheme the minute someone doesn't make any money with it. So, if that's the case every single business is a scam and you shouldn't join a single one.

If that is your mindset, then you are in a severe state of negative thinking and that my friend can be detrimental to your health. Reverse your mindset and get ready for the biggest transformation of your life.

For the last six months, I've seen people in Empower doing an awesome job of pissing off my friends, my team, and myself. They would post lots of thin air and attach their links. So, as a new internet marketer, I was annoyed and didn't want anything to do with them.

So, what makes me want to look deeper? Keep reading...

So, after I got the thought that the marketers were a bunch of annoyances-- just being brutally honest-- I started marketing with more entrepreneurs and noticed something.

I noticed that I started making friends and GREAT friends at that with Empower Network members that provided exceptional value and the best darn attitudes I could ask for and then I was shocked at how much of a total amateur I was to judge anyone else's way to freedom.

It was unintentional but that's what I did. So, I own it 100%. I was wrong. But in my looking back at it, I learned something else. I learned that no matter what company I decide to join whether I choose to do Empower Network or Wake Up Now or whatever else, I have a million people that I can share my quality and create an awesome team of supporters.

So if you want to do Empower Network, go for it. If you want to do something else, just do it. It doesn't really matter THAT much.

To Your Success and Significance,

Amanda Danielle

P.S. If you are thinking about doing Empower Network too, let's chat. I want to hear your WHY.

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