Sunday, August 4, 2013

Happy Birthday President Obama!

Happy Birthday President Obama!

At 52 President Obama still looks great!

Now for all of you that are breathing and living, you know that we have witnessed the first African American President to come into office and I am blessed to have seen it. But today is not about anything political or about which policy you should be paying attention to for x, y, or z.

Today is about the fact that it is our President's birthday! President Obama has been there for us and has radically changed the way our government operates. He has always shown his love for every race, gender, religion, and creed. So, why not just support him on his special day!

Its not everyday that we consciously think about the leadership that allows us to live in a free country so if you are a proud American and supporter of our President, make sure to leave him a Happy Birthday below!

He probably had to work today and isn't getting to enjoy this day like many of us have the chance to on our special day but I am sure to cares about your undying support.

Happy Birthday Mr. President!

You've been a great leader and I am so grateful for all that you have done for our country!

To Your Significance and Success,

Amanda Danielle

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