A Message to All Parents: Read Before It's Too Late
This message is for the strong-minded that care deeply about their futures
This article contains the ultimate secret to balance, connection, and trust. This secret helps you to put life into perspective from the deep brown eyes of your youngest child. This secret can prevent you from living a life of total regret and sorrow so please
pay very close attention to the message within the text.
The secret comes from an immeasurably profound, principle called
being fully present. To understand this principle it is easier to take a look at what it is not for the most clarity.
Many years ago, when I was a young child I witnessed what it meant to not be fully presnt. At the time, my two brothers and I faced a trying time when our father decided to isolate himself from us. My mother had just had my youngest brother
less than three years and was forced to take on full responsibility for the entire family. Suddenly, she became unbearably overwhelmed. So she made a conscious decision to take as many shifts as her job offered and make the best of it.
Over the years, my father lost many irreplacable years of getting to know us. He would come and go throughout the years each time greeted with open arms
until we were old enough to understand the disrespect and disloyatly. As a young child, I was more concerned with loving him than worrying about his faults. Today, I have become very distant from my father and we live in the same house! I believe that my father's absence created a space that he only wishes that could be filled. The many nights that he was away from his children have resurfaced as bitter regrets and lost moments. He finally realized how many precious moments of connection were lost with his children by making a choice of not being fully present. It took my father many years to realize that it was time to come home.
You may be facing a similar situation where you are not granting your children the time that they deserve to be with you. Perhaps you work long nights and do not take the time to ask how your son's day went when he is eager to tell you about it. When you make that decision, remember that the future is coming and regret is near. Don't miss out on the limited opportunities to tell the ones closest to you that you care and love them.
Every moment is precious. Take action to see as many as you can. |
Join me in creating endless time and opportunity for those whom you love! This is what your loved ones truly desire and remember. It is the best gift that you can ever offer. Don't wait until tomorrow because it may be too late.
Do it now.
To Your Significance and Success,
Amanda Danielle