Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Importance of Having Tunnel-Like Vision Once You Determine Which Opportunity Is the One For You

The Importance of Having Tunnel-Like Vision Once You Determine Which Opportunity Is the One For You

If you are reading this, I hope that you have taken the liberty of first reading about how you can determine if you are in a company that reflects optimal success. If you have not, read it here

Tunnel-like vision is the ability to focus exclusively on a single goal or in this case a single opportunity until you reach your destination. There are millions of potentials opportunities out there that can bring you financial freedom and wealth but if you spread your focus too widely, you cannot give your opportunity a fair chance of growth.

Which Path Are You Taking to Freedom?

I've had the liberty of meeting two identical brothers that are both network marketers but in two different companies. Although they look the same, they have different goals and have managed to focus exclusively on their respective opportunities. They have a shared knowledge of tunnel vision and are both doing rather well in their choice of opportunity. One looking on the inside not knowing that there were two people in separate opportunities would have thought that one man was taking on two personalities. In the opportunity of the eldest, it took a knack for building relationships with people in a particular niche market that requires lots of extroversion. In the opportunity of the younger, it took an ability to stay persistent in sharing and building relationships within a completely different group of individuals that requires a lot of knowledge of how people think. I, myself, thought that there was a man with a spit personality until I learned that they were twins! 

Even though the men knew that there was multiple opportunities that could create an equal amount of success, they are not splitting their focuses separate between that of the other brother. They have made a conscious decision to focus on their primary opportunity first and master one thing at a time. The moral of the story is that you cannot be at your best when you allow yourself to be distracted by everything that looks like it could be the next best thing. Remember to do your research and take the test before you put that tunnel-vision to work! 

I believe that if you are absolutely engaged in your opportunity, you will see the unprecedented wealth that your goals require. Don't get distracted and tell me all about the success that you earn once, you choose your opportunity. 

To Your Significance and Success,

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